Aparaty perfuzyjne Radnoti-Langendorff w trybie stałego przepływu perfuzyjnego
Designed to maintain cardiac function of isolated heart preparations in constant perfusion flow Langendorff mode, and are available in recirculating and non-recirculating configurations. Several sizes are also available to accommodate different heart sizes including mouse, rat, guinea pig, rabbit or cat.
More information you'll find on ADInstrument website.
Zobacz inne produkty w zastosowaniach
Nazwa | |
130106EZ-V Radnoti Mouse Langendorff Constant Flow Apparatus with recirculation (R) | |
130103EZ-V Radnoti Mouse Langendorff Constant Flow Apparatus (NR) | |
120106EZ/S-V Radnoti Rat Langendorff Constant Flow Apparatus with recyrculation (R) | |
120103EZ/S-V Radnoti Rat Langendorff Constant Flow Apparatus (NR) |
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