
FELASA-accredited course in Institute of Surgical Research, University of Szeged, Hungary

The University of Szeged offers the opportunity to participate in the newly accredited FELASA (Federation of European Laboratory Animal Science Associations) level A and B courses between 15 January - 27 January, 2024 (Reference number: 035/14F EU Functions A&B). The course meets all the mandatory requirements for the acquisition of an appropriate level of competence in the use of animals in research and education (Function A), and to designs and perform animal experiments (Function B) in the European Union and other countries. The aim is to ensure the optimal protection and welfare of animals while adhering to the highest scientific standards during the animal research procedures. The accredited course fully follows the FELASA recommendations and the European regulations (Directive 2010/63/EU).

The course will focus on the following main topics: legislation ethics and animal welfare; the 3R’s, the course of events of animal experiments; the biology of laboratory animals; the choice of species; genetics and environmental factors influencing animal experiments; health and safety hazards; principles concerning the handling of animals, anesthesia and euthanasia, analgesia; principles of surgical procedures; evaluation and quality control of animal experiments; reporting; alternatives to animals experiments.

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